USLAW Magazine Spring 2020 Edition Cover

September 26, 2020

Roth Firm Lawyer Published in USLAW Magazine Spring 2020 Edition

Tags: Publications, US LAW Magazine

USLAW Magazine published an article written by Steven Howard Roth in its Spring 2020 edition. The article, titled “To Sandbag or Not To Sandbag, That Is The Question” explores the important and hot topic issue of sandbagging in mergers and acquisitions.

USLAW Magazine is an in-depth publication designed to address legal and business issues facing commercial and corporate clients. Content includes the legalization of cannabis and its impact on the workplace, vicarious liability against non-motor carriers under the FMCSR, the intersection of social media, patient privacy and the proliferation of smart phone usage, and so much more. 

Here is a link to the full article, which is free to everyone: Click Here