Roth Firm represents and advises companies and individuals in copyright, trademark, trade secret, Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), right of publicity, trademark prosecution, and brand management matters. From your favorite well-known brands to regional corporations to mom and pop stores, companies of all sizes rely on our intellectual property attorneys to help register, manage, and enforce their trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property rights, as well as negotiate and structure licensing and acquisition agreements.
Our intellectual property lawyers act as a one stop shop for all our clients' intellectual property needs, including copyright and trademark licensing, intellectual property management and enforcement, divestures and acquisitions of intellectual property, work for hire agreements involving intellectual property, software service agreements and more.
Our intellectual property team stays current on the ever evolving world of technology and intellectual property rights to keep clients apprised of everything they need to know to protect their rights. Roth Firm also frequently counsels clients on fair use, social media, and cloud and new technology issues. Our attorneys work side by side with our clients to understand the little details other firms don't take the time to learn about, so we can understand what makes your intellectual property unique and determine the best way to protect it. Moreover, our intellectual property lawyers have extensive experience negotiating and structuring unique and innovative ways to exploit our clients' IP to create recurring revenue streams that maximize their bottom line. Whether its SaaS Agreements, IT technology service agreements, copyright enforcement, trademark registration, or some other related intellectual property matter, Roth Firm has you covered.
Roth Firm represents and advises companies and individuals in copyright, trademark, trade secret, Digital Millennium Copyright Act (DMCA), right of publicity, trademark prosecution, and brand management matters. From your favorite well-known brands to regional corporations to mom and pop stores, companies of all sizes rely on our intellectual property attorneys to help register, manage, and enforce their trademark, copyright, and other intellectual property rights, as well as negotiate and structure licensing and acquisition agreements.
Our intellectual property lawyers act as a one stop shop for all our clients' intellectual property needs, including copyright and trademark licensing, intellectual property management and enforcement, divestures and acquisitions of intellectual property, work for hire agreements involving intellectual property, software service agreements and more.
Our intellectual property team stays current on the ever evolving world of technology and intellectual property rights to keep clients apprised of everything they need to know to protect their rights. Roth Firm also frequently counsels clients on fair use, social media, and cloud and new technology issues. Our attorneys work side by side with our clients to understand the little details other firms don't take the time to learn about, so we can understand what makes your intellectual property unique and determine the best way to protect it. Moreover, our intellectual property lawyers have extensive experience negotiating and structuring unique and innovative ways to exploit our clients' IP to create recurring revenue streams that maximize their bottom line. Whether its SaaS Agreements, IT technology service agreements, copyright enforcement, trademark registration, or some other related intellectual property matter, Roth Firm has you covered.